Thursday, February 12, 2015

3 Picture Midterm

These are three of my best pictures this semester. Unfortunately I lost my SD card this past week and wasn't able to take my DSLR with me for two picture adventures but my phone camera hopefully sufficed.
This was taken on my flight over the Beartooths on a flight with Rocky. My camera was set to ISO100, 55mm, f/8.0, 1/250. I wish I would have taken this picture on slightly different settings. I needed a faster shutter speed to prevent the blur in the picture. I believe I could have dropped the aperture a stop and still had everything in focus (I also shouldn't have shot through the window of the plane). But overall I'm happy with the result for my first attempt at aerial photography. 

 This was taken with my phone camera on AUTO the auto settings were ISO 50, 3.97mm, f/2.4 and 1/400. I wasn't planning on taking pictures of anything this day, I went to a ranch to ride horses and the sun unexpectedly broke through the clouds as it was setting. I wish I had my DSLR but I had lost the SD card that morning. 

This is by far my favorite picture I have taken this semester. This was taken on a rare foggy day up on the Rims in Billings. I had just missed the tree being covered in frost, there is still a little bit but I wish I could have got there earlier and taken a picture with the frost. Like I said before I didn't use my DSLR becasue I had lost my SD card a few days before. My phone came in clutch on the AUTO setting and took this for me. It was a very impromptu picture as explained in my previous post.  My camera took this on ISO50 3.97mm f/2.4 and 1/480 shutter speed.  

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